Flash back with me, if you will, to a time when handsome, brave, wide shouldered, square jawed, homogenized white guys made the universe safe for all mankind. Heroes such as Captain Video, Flash Gordon, Tom Corbett and Buzz Corry came to the rescue every week, thrashing bad guys and thrilling youngsters across the land. From out of that Wonder Bread World we bring you Bucky Jones – Space Cadet! Yes, yet another champion of the stars. From the bulbous nose to its flashy fins and multiple exhaust tubes, Bucky Jones is Super Retro Sci-Fi through and through. Like all spaceships from that era he is gaudy, stylish, sleek and silly enough to give aerospace engineers apoplectic fits.
Dia: 3″
Length: 36.5″
Fin span: 9.8″
Motor mount: 29mm
Wt: 27 oz.
Kits are not available at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Destructions and RockSim file available on request: pem_tech@yahoo.com